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ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

Well I don’t know it looked to be a inexpensive place to stay in SF ,so likely a very popular choice IMO
Jackson, & Cherry st are 3 block to the south but Wash and cherry is 4 miles ? W
For sure Paul Stine had fares to and from it and I think ate at the Cafe
here is a link to it ,it may not have been there in 62
It is on the corner ,looks to have been there in late sixty,s by the decor it’s very Waffle House esc

for sure the hotel would have wooed a cab driver to bring business there ,I can see Paul S eating at that counter who knows who’s setting next to him . I have a theory that Paul ate there that 10/11 night and got the coupon then, as it was not put away in the wallet and had not been sat on much too. possibly the coupon was handed out only to cab drivers to help the business ?
As for the other ? most of that is answered in the book, I am sure he did not buy the clothes as you describe I think he /they were here from the mid 70’s
I wish I had a member in SF that could follow up on these two connections that very easily could prove the zodiac is here and still alive by drawing attention at least to them … hint

Posted : January 4, 2015 10:00 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Thanks, Ace. Our room was right above that restaurant and the window faced the church as I mentioned. I saw some pics of the outside and can see that they’ve replaced the windows. Our room had one center pane of glass and then one that opened on either side of that.

Now this is a good example of how funny memories work. I can remember all the details of this place positively without even seeing the pics but just have no recall of the restaurant even with the pics. I’ve been trying to think of something to jog my memory by retracing the trip in my mind from the boarding of the plane in Los Angeles. I know we sat on the left side of the plane and think it was on the right side of the shuttle bus. I can recall everything up to the Greyhound bus depot in SF but then nothing until the motel room. But I know we had to have taken a taxi from the depot to the motel as we had a suitcase each and it would have been too far to walk with the suitcase. We did not rent a car. I do remember checking out very well as our flight didn’t leave until later and we got the okay from the front desk to leave the bags there until later when we returned from more sightseeing and they called a cab to take us to the (Greyhound I am sure but don’t remember just know we were on a tight budget). It would have been very expensive to take a cab all the way to SFO as it is some distance.

You are right about this was a reasonable place to stay so maybe it is not at all surprising to anyone but me. This is now the second place I’ve stayed at connected to Z as I’d also stayed at the hotel Susie described.

That is a very good point about cabdrivers frequently dropping off and picking up here and all the other hotels and that restaurant would appeal to them as well as tourists and local residents.

I don’t know why I wouldn’t remember this restaurant and think we probably did eat there as it looks pretty good. But this is another example of memory failure perhaps as I just am not sure and could not say we did or did not eat there positively. The point isn’t whether we did or didn’t but I’m just trying to explain how my memories work and how I try to recover some from so long ago. Actually, I don’t remember eating breakfast or lunch anywhere but know that we did or at least I’m sure we had lunch. We very well could have just had coffee in the room and maybe could have even bought some items when we were out and taken them back and had whatever rather than going out. As I say, we were in school and on a budget. This whole weekend was quite a splurge for us. Actually I just remember having dinner at the steak house and then at Fisherman’s Wharf at Allioto’s IIRC as far as meals go.

Once I was watching a program about memories on PBS and the expert who was talking said we tend to remember things that make an impression (probably good or bad) and forget the ordinary ones.

Posted : January 5, 2015 1:50 am
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

O 1031
he is still alive , so giving his name here is not a good idea IMO also I think it would jeopardize efforts to confirm him if police are looking at him which I must imagine they did to some degree. but as I mentioned here on another post the name blacked out on the Vallejo police reports p.75, I think, about the two residents that came in together to have their 9mm lugars checked / ruled out as zodiac and the cops thought one was very suspicious and wanting to interview him further but he declined , that name seems to be the same as my guy . a few years ago he looked like the napa composite so much just aged some .

If you are referring to the Vallejo guy Mr. M.R.G, born April 27, 1942, mentioned in the Darlene Ferrin/Mike Mageau Vallejo police report, he is still living in Vallejo/Benicia .

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : January 6, 2015 7:14 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

O 1031
he is still alive , so giving his name here is not a good idea IMO also I think it would jeopardize efforts to confirm him if police are looking at him which I must imagine they did to some degree. but as I mentioned here on another post the name blacked out on the Vallejo police reports p.75, I think, about the two residents that came in together to have their 9mm lugars checked / ruled out as zodiac and the cops thought one was very suspicious and wanting to interview him further but he declined , that name seems to be the same as my guy . a few years ago he looked like the napa composite so much just aged some .

If you are referring to the Vallejo guy Mr. M.R.G, born April 27, 1942, mentioned in the Darlene Ferrin/Mike Mageau Vallejo police report, he is still living in Vallejo/Benicia .

Can you PM me the name, I likely already have a file on him.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 6, 2015 7:24 pm
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

O 1031
he is still alive , so giving his name here is not a good idea IMO also I think it would jeopardize efforts to confirm him if police are looking at him which I must imagine they did to some degree. but as I mentioned here on another post the name blacked out on the Vallejo police reports p.75, I think, about the two residents that came in together to have their 9mm lugars checked / ruled out as zodiac and the cops thought one was very suspicious and wanting to interview him further but he declined , that name seems to be the same as my guy . a few years ago he looked like the napa composite so much just aged some .

If you are referring to the Vallejo guy Mr. M.R.G, born April 27, 1942, mentioned in the Darlene Ferrin/Mike Mageau Vallejo police report, he is still living in Vallejo/Benicia .

Can you PM me the name, I likely already have a file on him.

Check your PM

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : January 6, 2015 7:32 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Got it and responded. I am familiar with this Guy. He is very similar to ‘Zode’ from San Bernardino in many ways. This Guy supposedly killed somebody in an accident and was charged with manslaughter. I couldn’t find any news articles that seem to verify this, but the police supposedly did verify it. Here’s a pic of him, terrible quality and small, it’s from circa 1958 (I enbiggened it …trav)

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 6, 2015 7:44 pm
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

That’s not my guy though Morf …no way
was it the same name I PM’ed you ? his Initials are M _ R

Posted : January 6, 2015 9:16 pm
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

O 1031
he is still alive , so giving his name here is not a good idea IMO also I think it would jeopardize efforts to confirm him if police are looking at him which I must imagine they did to some degree. but as I mentioned here on another post the name blacked out on the Vallejo police reports p.75, I think, about the two residents that came in together to have their 9mm lugars checked / ruled out as zodiac and the cops thought one was very suspicious and wanting to interview him further but he declined , that name seems to be the same as my guy . a few years ago he looked like the napa composite so much just aged some .

If you are referring to the Vallejo guy Mr. M.R.G, born April 27, 1942, mentioned in the Darlene Ferrin/Mike Mageau Vallejo police report, he is still living in Vallejo/Benicia .

Ace Ventura in your above post, you did say that the guy mentioned in Darlene Ferrin’s police report,
named Michael Rxxxr Gxxxxxy born April 27, 1942, "that name seems to be the same as my guy", which kind of indicating that you believe they are the same person.
Or did I get that wrong?

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : January 6, 2015 10:22 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

If this person is still living, why is his picture being posted when he has not been officially named by le as a poi? Or have I really missed the point?

I think a poster said he was alive and living in Vallejo. That small town is where the topic of Zodiac would probably still be of interest and where it would be likely that lots of residents would be keeping up with any news, such as reading at this site. The chances that this or any other resident would be recognized are very good imo.

Posted : January 6, 2015 10:46 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

That’s not my guy though Morf …no way
was it the same name I PM’ed you ? his Initials are M _ R

This Guy’s initials are M.R.G. and he is still alive in Solano County

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 6, 2015 10:48 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

This picture is interesting because many of us can eliminate our poi’s so it is helpful in that respect. This man and all the others would be considered innocent until proven guilty under the law and nobody was ever charged so it seems to be very unfair to these people when the law and people’s rights are considered.

If this man was convicted of manslaughter, then it seems he certainly paid the price and justice was served. There are no details other than it was an accident, which could happen to anyone.

I’m editing here as I just re-read above that the man was charged with manslaughter and doesn’t say anything about a conviction. Whatever happened, justice must have been served.

Posted : January 7, 2015 12:08 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

O 1031
he is still alive , so giving his name here is not a good idea IMO also I think it would jeopardize efforts to confirm him if police are looking at him which I must imagine they did to some degree. but as I mentioned here on another post the name blacked out on the Vallejo police reports p.75, I think, about the two residents that came in together to have their 9mm lugars checked / ruled out as zodiac and the cops thought one was very suspicious and wanting to interview him further but he declined , that name seems to be the same as my guy . a few years ago he looked like the napa composite so much just aged some .

If you are referring to the Vallejo guy Mr. M.R.G, born April 27, 1942, mentioned in the Darlene Ferrin/Mike Mageau Vallejo police report, he is still living in Vallejo/Benicia .

Ace Ventura in your above post, you did say that the guy mentioned in Darlene Ferrin’s police report,
named Michael Rxxxr Gxxxxxy born April 27, 1942, "that name seems to be the same as my guy", which kind of indicating that you believe they are the same person.
Or did I get that wrong?

I did not see or get ,that there was a middle name on that page , that may be it .
give me a little time and I will PM Morf again ? with info

Posted : January 7, 2015 1:50 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Sure Ace, PM me

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 7, 2015 3:40 am
Posts: 266
Reputable Member

This picture is interesting because many of us can eliminate our poi’s so it is helpful in that respect. This man and all the others would be considered innocent until proven guilty under the law and nobody was ever charged so it seems to be very unfair to these people when the law and people’s rights are considered.

If this man was convicted of manslaughter, then it seems he certainly paid the price and justice was served. There are no details other than it was an accident, which could happen to anyone.

I’m editing here as I just re-read above that the man was charged with manslaughter and doesn’t say anything about a conviction. Whatever happened, justice must have been served.

I would not necessarily eliminate a person of interested based on that picture. My understanding is that someone listed him as a possible subject and he was look into; however I do not believe that it went much further. I understand that it’s possible Z was looked into and let go, but I have not seen any info on why they believed this person was a suspect. This person may have been responsible for an accident that resulted in manslaughter conviction and I do not know the details; however that is extremely different than the Z crimes. I’m not saying that he should not be looked into, but I would not eliminate your suspect based on him being listed.

Posted : January 7, 2015 4:41 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

That’s not my guy though Morf …no way
was it the same name I PM’ed you ? his Initials are M _ R

This Guy’s initials are M.R.G. and he is still alive in Solano County

…and remembered as "ambitious, kind, and soft spoken".. ;)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 7, 2015 9:08 am
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